Sunday, February 17, 2008

Reunion Party This Summer?

I've had a fair number of people express interest in an Alden Reunion party. Might be time for one. Summer is a great time of year to have one, except for a lot of us take time off.

Kevin Porreco wrote: "Any thoughts on having a reunion dinner this summer? I would drive up from Wash DC area if we had one."

Now that shows interest. If we can generate more, I say we do it.

Please add your comments to this post if you have interest.

Place, Time, & Dates will be determined by those who respond. I figure by Memorial Day we can summarize the interest, and pick a date for sometime in August or Sept. PLEASE RSVP if you are interested.


Martyn said...

I'm interested let me know.


Linden said...

I'm interested.
Arnold Kraft